This is your rooooving reporter Sophia providing the dish on my vacation while my human was away.

The first couple of days I was sad and did not eat well. But the owner fed me lots of treats and I got a bone every day so soon I was quite spoiled. There were two beagles in the house and at first I was quite frightened of them. I wore a muzzle for a few days because I thought the best approach was to show them who's boss. After I got used to them being around I realized all they wanted to do was play. Soon we became fast friends and played all the time!
The owner even had a back yard so we raced back and forth at top speed. I am the fastest one and not even my human can catch me. I also got to take naps with the beagles.

Sometimes they snore cuz they have those funny looking noses but I didn't mind because I love being part of the pack.
I'm still not over my fear of other dogs yet because I get pretty upset when other dogs come around me when I'm walked. At least I've made some new friends and learned that sometimes you gotta take a chance on others in order to get the rewards.
That's all for now,
Love the pictures of Sophia zonked out with the beagles! Too funny! Glad she had a good time on "her" vacation.
Aw, Sophia is so cute!!! I'm glad she had a good vaca. :)
Sophia has discovered her inner schmoozer. :) Cute pics!
Dear Sophia,
Please try to learn to relax, you look so tense in this pics...LOL
Your friend you've yet to meet, Jackson
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