I could have lingered all day and watched the primates. It was so easy to read their communication since it is so very much like our own, go figure, that it was like watching a soap opera.
My thoughts today are with Marina, the Beluga whale at the Atlanta Aquarium who died last December. Watching her gave me one of the most peaceful experiences that I can ever recall. Hopefully attached is a quick video I took last year.
On today of all days, god bless them all, large, small, ugly or cute, even the naked mole rats.
Cara IS the ultimate zoo guide! We had so much fun when we went on Good Friday - between our observations of the primates (both on the inside of the pen AND the outside of the pen), the Otters gettin' a little "hey! hey! and dodging the rugrats.
I haven't been to the Aquarium in over a year - blog family trip soon?
God bless, indeed. I told someone the other day is that I think that the reason I feel closest to God in nature and with animals is because they've never "left the garden."
Whether the story of the garden of Eden is real or symbolic, truth or myth, something in humans is definitely alienated from its source and broken. Not so with nature and animals...and dats why I luvs 'em. :)
Thanks for sharing.
Tour guide? How do you hire this tour guide?
Will Tour Guide for food.
I enjoyed the trip too, thanks for feeding me breakfast and playing hooky with me Donna! And thank you, DeKalb County Court System! And thank you Professor Lochamy! Taking his Bio 1402 this semester provides me tons of useless facts to spout on these trips. When he grows up, Dr. Lochamy wants to be either Mr. Science Wizard or a spy. (He's obsessed with the mechanism of cyanide poisoning.) I've really enjoyed his class. But not enough to have stayed home from the zoo work on my paper due tomorrow.
Everyone give Donna a big hand--- From the look on her face while approaching the Nekkid Mole-Rat exhibit, I figured I'd be seeing them by myself. Pretty squicky, the picture doesn't do them real justice. I could have lingered all day watching them. from my third-grade life perspective, Nekkid Mole Rats are cool!
Eric, you're right...the most fascinating primates are outside the exhibits. We saw a full display on variations of stroller color and foliage. We did not spot the Segwayus Strollerus featured in your blog. And I'm up for the Aquarium, the question is, where do we fit it on our crowded blog family calender? :)
Yes, God bless that poor naked mole rat. He needs it most of all! ;)
I enjoyed this post! Cara, you missed your calling! lol
I'm up for an aquarium trip!!
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