Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Happiness is...

I was just hanging out after work around my place thinking about some of the simplest pleasures that I enjoy. A few are:

  • I like to dump a big bag of M&Ms into a quart sized Chinese soup plastic container and keep it in the fridge. I like to eat them cold. I call it the bucket-o-bits.
  • Steaming hot candle lit showers by myself (and with others too if I can find them!)
  • I like to burn incense in the morning when I drink my coffee and wind up for work.
  • Good pump me up music while I clean like The Rolling Stones.
  • The feel of fresh sheets.
  • The time of year when you can finally sleep with the windows open.
  • The lullaby sounds of trains in the night
What about you?


Cheryl said...

Fresh sheets is a reallly good one! :)

But it's been a while since I've had a steaming hot candle-lit shower with anyone... Dang!!... (drifing off into my own thoughts) Now what were we talking about? Oh... oh yeah, things that make us happy.

• The time of year when you can start wearing sweatshirts—in the morning, it's cold enough that you leave the sleeves down, but in the afternoon, you need to push the sleeves up to be comfy

• A good cup of coffee, leisurely consumed

• A really good, deep conversation with a friend or friends. Not necessarily deep in the intelligence sense, but in the "connecting" sense

• Having every item of clothing I wear clean and folded/hanging/put away

• Having someone acknowledge a good effort on my part

• The way all of my pets just want to hang out with me almost all of the time

• All of the blessings of my life when I stop and take time to think about them

I have lots more sights, sounds, smells, touches, etc. but I have to stop myself so I won't go on all night! Good question. I look forward to others' responses.

Eric K. said...

Loved this post! Everything you wrote was SO descriptive! Now I have a craving for M&M's in the fridge - what a great idea - and a whole lot more. I also agree with the "pump up" music to get me going, but I confess that it's usually 'old-skool' rap music from the late 80's and early 90's (before all the gangsta and thug stuff). Or some '80s one-hit wonders. I'll also add that happiness is a purring feline snuggled up next to me on the couch (which I imagine is about as good as a pooch, too). Happiness is the smell of hickory smoke billowing out of the smoker as you cook dinner, or seeing the smiles on your friends' faces after they've stuffed themselves on your cooking. Happiness is the laughs and inside jokes with those friends, and the shared moments over time (like DragonCon). And happiness is seeing your inbox full of messages from all those friends, too!

D said...

*curling up on the couch with a sweet boxer and a movie.

*all what y'all said about friends - connecting, laughter, inside jokes, dragoncon, emails = feeling like I belong.

DONNA said...

Nice additions :)

boxercab said...

Those are great Donna! I love the smell of fresh sheets. Hrmmm what else can I add...

• Springtime. I love going outside and deeply inhaling the smell of fresh flowers and clean air.

• Looking into my boxers eyes, hearing them sigh and I sigh too.

• Acting like a little kid. Being goofy is just so much fun.

• Bum-rushing my husband with my doggies at the door when he gets home from work/school and seeing his big smile right before we hug and kiss.

• Having great blog friends and tossing the frisbee around in a random moment while enjoying a fun fall day. :)

luiscab said...

I know I am a little late on posting but, for me, Happiness is...

*The comfort of knowing that I have lived a good life so far.

*Knowing that I have found my soul mate already.

*Having two great boxers that I love and love me unconditionally.

*Having a purpose in life and taking steps to achieve it.