"The Fisherman"
by Barbara Anna Marjanovic
I wait in anticipation
For the morning tide to come.
The gulls crying,
and the waves splashing,
Remind me that it was time to
pull in the nets.
Another day of hoping more fish would be caught,
This is my livelihood,
A fisherman's wage I have,
and I wait for my next catch,
To feed my family.
It is this life I have,
Living it day to day,
Not knowing if I will bring in,
a fair catch to warrant a good pay.
I would not choose any other life,
For I love the sea and I love the waves,
A fisherman am I,
Nothing more and nothing less.
I grew up doing a lot of fishing too. My parents, grandfather, great uncle and brother and I took the boat several miles out in the Gulf a few times a year and caught enough fish to keep us happy for a year. It was great fun at the time (I think?), but I can't say that I miss it now. :) I do miss my grandfather and great uncle though.
Love the sunflower picture! I have a neat poster of the marketplace that I got about 11 years ago - it was the 25th anniversary of the first Starbucks coffee to open (which was in the market), and I was at their corporate office during the event. Even managed to get the artist to sign it.
Nice pics and poem. I especially like the pic of the water and pylons.
Beautiful pictures.
Used to do a lot of fishing, but those days are long gone.
Good memories though.
Eric keep the poster, maybe it will be worth something some day. To those that use to fish, it seems that it was easier to catch a mess a fish back then but maybe everything was bigger because we were smaller?
Since you are a late-comer to my blog, I thought I'd share this older post of mine with you. It's about a specific day of fishing that I shared with my dad: http://blogicalinks.wordpress.com/2007/08/08/blogging-about-a-photo-part-iii/
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